How To Win Prizes

Top 5 highest scores win prizes!

1 Point For Every One Unit Of Fitness Improvement

Wall Sits - Every 10 Seconds Added
Push Ups - Every One Added
Planks - Every 10 Seconds Added
Weight Loss - Every One Pound Loss

1 point for every social media post tagged @flexmotionfitness on Facebook or Instagram.

Post examples include pre/post workout selfies,
healthy food choices, healthy activity, inspiration
or motivation, etc.

10 Points
For Submitting A Before And After Picture

5 Points
For Having Someone Join You During Any Live Workout

10 Points
For Any Extra Workout Completed


Nope, everything is provided for you.

All ages and fitness levels

If you can't attend a workout there is daily workouts provided in the Facebook challenge group for you to do at any time.

We welcome people of all fitness levels so anyone can join. And we believe that fitness success comes in many forms. Our mission is to help you achieve your fitness goals so join the challenge!

Weight loss isn't your goal, no problem. Pounds aren't the only way we measure improvement. We track strength, endurance and flexibility too.

Yes the challenge will be fun. You will have fun developing healthier habits, trying new workouts, and crushing your fitness goals.

You can schedule your two training sessions with the trainer anytime during the 40 day challenge.

Sessions are located the Flex Motion Fitness private training studio in Clinton Township. The studio is fully equipped with cardio machines, cables, free weights and more.